Seeds for the future of organic farming

Our varieties
Every year, we test thousands of cereals for their cultivation and baking qualities under organic conditions. We have gathered exotic varieties from all over the world, but we make most of our varieties ourselves by cross-breeding them with each other. Among our varieties, there are a selected few that we have a particular fondness for. We are currently in the middle of propagating these, so others can enjoy their unique qualities.

Plant breeding and genetic resources
Organic plant breeding and so-called in situ-preservation of plant genetic ressources is the focal point for Agrologica's work. In our research, we identify problems and methods and attempt to solve them with the aid of plant breeding. We discover and develop new varieties with improved qualities with regards to baking, health and cultivation.

Research and development
Gluten allergi, baking quality, fungi and root-damaging nematodes are a few examples of the challenges facing the development of tasty and healthy varieties for organic farming. Here at Agrologica, we actively participate in various research and development projects where we tackle the fine details of these problems often by collaborating with other research institutions.

Education and counseling
As one of Denmark's most venerable organic farms backed by decades of organic research, Agrologica has a wealth of knowledge and experience to offer. We're happy to contribute with lectures, baking courses, open field days or consultancies regarding subjects like gluten allergi, plant diseases, plant genetic ressources or our other fields of expertise.

The organic farm
We began the conversion to organic farming on Møn in 1984. In 2002 we moved to our current location at the outskirts of Mariager. The farm consists of 9 ha of farmland, 2-3 ha of which are used for experiments, while the rest is used for propagating of cereals or green manure. We have chickens and ducks as permanent livestock, though we also use sheep or cows occasionally to graze our fields as a part of the organic crop rotation.
Organic plant breeding station
Agrologica and Landsorten invites to the annual open filed day June 20th. However, this will mainly be in Danish, but the 5th July there will be another chance in English.
Organic plant breeding station
Agrologica will in 2023 investigate the possibilites for updating the excisting faciliteis to a more up to date professional organic plant breeding station. We will seek investors, facilities and personel to achieve it.
Our varieties

Spring wheat

Winter wheat


Resistance against the devastating plant disease stem rust in organic wheat
Project management: Chris Khadgi Sørensen, AU
Financing: Fonden for Økologisk Landbrug
Project period: 2023-2024

GRAINGOOD - Quality assurance and diversity in organic grain products
Project management: Henriette Winther, Landsorten
Financing: Organic RDD, som administreres af ICROFS og GUDP
Project period: 2025-2027
Who are we?
Anders Borgen
Manages economy, common bunt research and plant genetic ressources
+45 4081 3518

Johan Siboni Lund
Field work and research assistent

Pia Pedersen
Service and support

Lasse Borgen
+45 6128 3518

Otto Kappner